If you take our Level-3 Commission class or our Level-3 Commission recertification, then your next time back at TCTA is free. All returning students of TCTA receive free recertifications or requalifications for the life of the company. All the student has to pay for is ammo and their range fee – instruction, class, and certificate will be free.
If you take TCTA’s Handcuffing, Baton, Pepper Spray, or Conductive Energy Weapon class, your recertification will also be free when you return in two years. You will be required to buy the training ammo you shoot for your Conductive Energy Weapon, but nothing for the class.
Returning students are required to bring in their prior certificate or receipt as proof; if they are unable to do so, on a case-by-case basis we may elect to charge again, so make sure you hold onto your certificate that was issued by TCTA and we will get you all taking care of at no charge upon your return.