Education • Training • Certification
Private Security Training Classes
Looking to enroll in private security training classes at TCTA? That’s Wonderful! We’re excited to have you as a student. We’ve done everything possible to make this a very easy process for you. Please understand that enrollment or payments are never done over the phone, we will get you all taken care of via the internet. All students and employers to include government agencies, must book and pay in advance-no exceptions. Valid ID will be required by us after you pay before we provide any access to any course. If you are not taking a class but wish to have some type of consulting service or session with our staff, please sign up for that below.
Signing Up Is A Simple, 4-Step Process:
- See the posted class on our schedule/calendar?
- Double-check the posted price and the schedule (they are posted).
- Fill out the enrollment form and press “Submit”-only if you are ready to enroll and pay.
- Then please wait for a response via email, and allow us at least 24-48 hours (not including weekends and holidays) to get back with you.
Our online process is for enrollment, payment, or private classes.
DPS-RSD statement: Please be advised under the Private Security Act (Occ. Code Chapter 1702) and Administrative Rule 35.4 (37 Tex. Admin. Code 1), a criminal conviction may disqualify you from a registration, commission or license under the Act. You may wish to review Rule 35.4’s list of disqualifying offenses and the related periods of ineligibility, available on the department’s website at http://www.dps.texas.gov/rsd/psb/index.htm (follow the link to Administrative Code). You also have a right to request from the department a criminal history evaluation letter under Occupations Code Section 53.102
This means if you have any criminal issues you are concerned about, contact Texas DPS before enrolling, making a payment, or attending a class. It is not the responsibility of TCTA or our staff to determine or discuss these issues with you.