Education • Training • Certification
Handcuff Training for Security Officers – Texas
It may seem like a simple concept to some, but most lawsuits security companies, bail recovery agents, shoplifting agents, and P.I.s face involve some type of illegal detention, false arrest or the use of force during an arrest. With that said, it only makes since to receive official instruction in this area of high liability.
OFFICIAL COURSE: Only $30.00!!
(Includes Wall Certificate)
The first question you will be asked in a court case is: “Where did you get your training from?” When you or your company says “nowhere, we just bought the handcuffs and carried them;” your case just took a major blow.
We know that anyone can figure out how to lock or unlock a pair of handcuffs, but this course is to ensure that you have been officially taught and certified to use the tools on your belt against a suspect, and that you are covered during a use of force issue.
More lawsuits have been filed on agencies over the arrest portion of an incident than that of even pepper spray being used. Taking someone’s freedom away along with physical contact, to include cuffing them is very serious business in this day in age when lawsuits are flying everywhere. Handcuffs are among the most often used tool by officers, yet training (if any), is severely lacking by most private security agencies and bond agents.
Handcuffing Courses for Security Officers
Improper approach, control, and cuffing often results in injury and/or death to either the officer or the subject; all of which can be reduced with proper training and continued recertification.
Suspects will fight and try to do harm to highly-trained police officers, do you think they won’t fight a security guard? Answer: They sure will! Are you prepared for that?
- Proper Control and Compliance of the Subject
- Minimize the Chance of Injury to the Officer During an Altercation
- Minimize Injury to the Subject Which Could Lead to a Lawsuit
- Duty, Care, and Responsibility During & After an Arrest
- Incident & Use of Force Reporting
- Difference between an Arrest and a Detention – What is legal & illegal
- Handcuffing Nomenclature
- General Handcuffing Guidelines
Benefits of the Course:
- Reduced Injury to Officers
- Reduced Chances of Escape or Injury to Subject
- Reduced Exposure to Civil Liability
- Reduced Exposure to Criminal Liability
- Reduced Escalation of Current Incident
- Increased Safety
- Current Laws and Changes Addressed
Ready to Sign Up? Enroll Here for Our Handcuff Course